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Well the name says it all... Its all about catching that one "BIG ONE".


As we all know when we go fishing we have hopes and dreams of the BIG ONE, Over the years we have tried many different types of fishing, Nymphing, Dryfly, Streamers, Bait... No just kidding no bait.. To try for the big one, But we always went back to the streamers, Then the question was wich one ?  Well the one that looks like a sculpin, They live in most rivers? yup thats it !! As good as our pattern worked we will call it..  " CAPTAIN HOOK Streamer" .!! 1st designed in 2007 with LOON UV, And still is today.! great stuff.


We had also noticed we were always taking Quality photos of our trophies. So here we are trying to share all of this with everyone of you out there.


Photography , Commercial, Editorial, Prints of fish for frames in your fly tying shop or just in the cabin for decor, Well tied and tested fly patterns, For that BIG ONE. Quality shirts and hats for fishing or just relaxing around the fire ,  and soon top notch materials for all your fly tying needs.


So after all this we decided to start using our photography as artwork for Shirts  Hats, Hoodies, and Jackets. just real simple but cool , and we hope you can enjoy them all as well as we do.



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